
Goodbye, trees

Now that majority of the deciduous leaves have converted from their typically green dispositions, I can finally say with certainty that fall has indeed arrived. The season has a different feeling this time around; there's a more definite sense of conclusion. While my body aches from yoga, my mind aches for my unceasing academic career to end (or at least take a break of a few years). Although that time is coming very soon, I've been around this university long enough to say with certainty that it will not just go gently into the night. It will thrash, it will tear, and it will try to consume every last piece of my soul before finally being cast by my final strike. Assured is my victory but I still am not looking forward to the very imminent strife. The falling leaves remind me that time is indeed still progressing at its usual unrelenting pace. They remind me that tomorrow is coming and will always just be around the corner. When I see these downed leaves, it also strikes me that this may be one of the last times I can really experience this season in this city as comprehensively as I do right now. In a way, those leaves might very well be the final goodbyes from those trees. 

Quite poetic for some fucking leaves right?

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